The Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump is designed for occasional use away from your baby. This comfortable and lightweight breast pump is ideal if you're looking for a portable and discreet alternative to your double, electric breast pump. This best-selling manual breast pump features 2-Phase Expression technology, which resembles a baby's nursing rhythm and is effective for breast milk.
The Medela Mini Electric breast pump is a good compact electric breast pump for mothers who occasionally express.
If you are using a manual breast pump then the Mini Electric is a good step up if you need a pump for occasional use but find that using a manual breast pump is time-consuming and tiring. The Mini Electric is one of the smallest, portable, but also basic electric pumps in the Medela range for occasional use.
The motor in the Medela Mini Electric is located on top of the breast shield, which makes the pump very compact and easy to operate with one hand. The suction speed can be controlled with a dial at the side of the motor.
Only five parts
The Mini Electric breast pump is made up of only five parts, so cleaning and assembly only takes a couple of minutes.
Another benefit of the motor unit located on top of the breast shield is that there are no tubes: expressed milk flows directly into the bottle.
Item # 68054
Suggested Retail Price
Developed exclusively for Sonata, the Spare Parts Kit includes the extra (or replacement!) pieces you need to use your Sonata Breast Pump.