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  1. Poltergeist 3 English Sub
  2. Poltergeist 3 1988
  3. Poltergeist 3 Trailer

'Poltergeist 3.' VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. . 13 Jan. 2021 <>.

Zelda Rubinstein of Poltergeist Fame Dead at 76 Jan 27, 2010 7:25 PM EST Zelda Rubinstein — famous for her role as the psychic in 1982's Poltergeist — has died, according to her agent, Eric. Look up the German to English translation of Poltergeist in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.

'Poltergeist 3.' VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. . (January 13, 2021).

  • Poltergeist III's original ending. REVISED: 3/18/87 CONTINUED: ANGLE-PAT AND CAROL ANNE-Pat recoils in horror, wildly swinging the necklace at the evil presence in.
  • Poltergeist 2׃ The Other Side Official Trailer #1 - Craig Nelson Movie (1986) HD. (English) Moviepilot. 1:05 Watch Poltergeist II: The Other Side Full Movie.

'Poltergeist 3.' VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. . Retrieved January 13, 2021 from

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Poltergeist 3 English Sub


Poltergeist 3 1988

Poltergeist 3 (1988) BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD

Horror • Movie • Thriller • Western

Poltergeist III / Poltergeist 3 (1988)

Poltergeist 3 Trailer

Horror | Thriller

They're back…again! And they're still looking for Carol Anne in this riveting and climactic finale to the Poltergeist trilogy. Sent by her parents to live in a Chicago high rise with her aunt, uncle and cousin, Carol Anne must face demons more frightening as ever before, as they move from invading homes to taking over an entire skyscraper!

Starring: Heather O'Rourke, Tom Skerritt, Nancy Allen, Lara Flynn Boyle, Zelda Rubinstein
Director: Gary Sherman


RELEASE DATE….: 10/22/2010
iMDB URL……..:
iMDB RATiNG…..: 3.9/10 5,440 votes
GENRE………..: Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Thriller
SOURCE ………: Poltergeist.III.1988.1080P.Blu-ray.AVC.DTS-HDMA5.1-HDRoad
ViDEO BiTRATE…: x264 L4.1 High @ 4896 Kbps
FRAME RATE……: 23.976 fps
AUDiO 1………: English DTS-HDMA core 5.1 1510Kbps
RUNTiME………: 1:37:35 (h:m:s)
ASPECT RATiO….: 1.844 : 1
RESOLUTiON……: 1280 X 694
FilE SiZE…….: 4.36G
ENCODER………: youlong@CHD


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