The tempera trun to the Huashi C:

You need to tell the linker to link to Allegro. (The #include directive is only half the battle - it only keeps the compiler happy.) I haven't used Allegro so I don't know exactly how it's set up, but you should be able to find out via a Google search. Oct 21, 2020 The int returned by main is a way for a program to return a value to “the system” that invokes it. On systems that doesn’t provide such a facility the return value is ignored, but that doesn’t make “void main” legal C or legal C. Even if your compiler accepts “void main” avoid it, or risk being considered ignorant by C. Return the total purchase amount to the calling code. Requirements for the PhoneDriver Program main Function The user must be prompted appropriately. All values related to money may include values after a decimal point. All values displayed to the screen must display with 2 places after the decimal. Use of the namespace statement is the new C standard and is implemented in Dev C. Note that only 'using namespace std;' statement is required in the program reguardless of how many #include directives you use. Use of the namespace statement is the new C standard and is implemented in Dev C. Note that only 'using namespace std;' statement is required in the program reguardless of how many #include directives you use.

#include 'iostream'
using namespace Std;
Class Tempera
float cels;
Float Change ()
Return (9*cels)/5+32;
void Main ()
Tempera C;
cout << 'Enter Celsius temperature value:' <<endl;
CIN >>c.cels;
cout << 'Convert to Fahrenheit temperature:' << c.change () << 'degrees' <<endl;


Dev C Error Main Must Return Intervals Is Termed


I used the 'g++ to build', it always says 'main must retrun int'.

Dev C Error Main Must Return Inteverarts

bd@bd-desktop:~/documents$ g++-O tempera tempera.cpp
Tempera.cpp:17:error: ':: Main ' must return ' int '

It should be ' int main () ' instead of ' void main (void) and then put a ' return 0 ' at the ' end of the ' function.

It's not a program problem, it's a compiler problem.

Dev C Error Main Must Return Intervals Required

This is the standard of C language, and Dev C + + strictly comply with this rule.
The DOS version of Turbo C 3 does not conform to the language standard, and it does not mean that it is correct.


Dev C Error Main Must Return Intervals Of One

(Note: The main front must be int, since main is preceded by an int so the main function must have a return statement)